Studio Protocols
We will be cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces, floors, bathrooms, and more multiple times/day.
Hand sanitizer will be available directly inside the entrance to the building and in the studio.
Bathrooms will be stocked with hand soap for washing hands before and after class.
Class sizes will be reduced to allow for 6ft between each person.
Teachers will not be giving hands on corrections.
Mask Policy Update, Effective January 2022: ALL students and teachers are required to wear a mask at all times, regardless of vaccination/booster status. ​
Mask Policy Update, Effective February 28th, 2022: Masks will be optional for teachers and students who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two doses - 2nd dose administered at least 3 weeks prior to the class date).
What to keep in mind while dancing in a mask:
You will need to self-monitor for symptoms​ of lightheadedness, dizziness, numbness or tingling, and shortness of breath.
You will need to monitor your intensity during class as you get used to wearing a mask while dancing.
You might require multiple masks during class as a wet mask is less efficient at filtering bacteria and viruses.
Mask recommendations:​
Also try to these plastic face brackets underneath your mask to keep your mask from getting pulled into your mouth: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB1SZ39/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_orxSFbJZZ335S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You MUST pre-register for class. Walk-ins are not allowed.
Signing Up For and Attending Class
Do not come to class if you feel ill or believe you have come in contact with anyone with COVID-19.
If you have been taking class in the studio and test positive for or come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please contact us right away, so that we may inform all staff and students immediately.
You MUST pre-register for class. Walk-ins are not allowed.
Mask Policy Update, Effective January 2022: ALL students and teachers are required to wear a mask at all times, regardless of vaccination/booster status.
Mask Policy Update, Effective February 28th: Masks will be optional for teachers and students who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (two doses - 2nd dose administered at least 3 weeks prior to the class date).
What to keep in mind while dancing in a mask:
You will need to self-monitor for symptoms​ of lightheadedness, dizziness, numbness or tingling, and shortness of breath.
You will need to monitor your intensity during class as you get used to wearing a mask while dancing.
You might require multiple masks during class as a wet mask is less efficient at filtering bacteria and viruses.
You will verbally check in with the teacher once arriving at the studio. They will be in charge of taking attendance.
Please practice social distancing at all times while in the building.